Newsletter, February 2024
Newsletter, February 2024
PPSC with Paul Thomas, Release International

We are delighted to welcome back Paul Thomas from Release International, to lead this month’s Pembrokeshire Prayer for the Suffering Church meeting.
Please do come along and support this important ministry, the UK arm of Voice of the Martyrs, serving Persecuted Christians across the globe.
Paul has been a tower of support to PPSC over the years, and his leading of the next meeting is timely, as the usual MC, Mick, has been summoned to hospital tomorrow to undergo long-awaited hip surgery.
The meeting start at 7.30pm next Tuesday, 27 February, in the basement at Zion Church, Meyrick Street, Pembroke Dock SA72 6UT (Entrance at the side). All are welcome; there is no admission charge and refreshments will be served at the end, around 9pm.
Any offerings on the night will go to support the work of Release International.